Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Simple Plan For Your First 30 Days In Information Marketing

Information marketing is a very exciting and very profitable industry. People buy information products all day long, the profit margins are exceptional (if not out of this world) and when you deliver good quality information products, your buyers will be loyal to you for life. So if you're just getting started out in information marketing, a question you might have is 'Where do I start?'. In this article, I'm going to give you a simple business plan for your first 30 days in information marketing.

Step 1: Set up your fecundation and technological elements - The first thing you must do is complete all of your fecundation elements for your business. What I mean by that is you must get a domain name, a web hosting service, an ftp client, an email auto-respond-er program, and a squeeze page. You might think I'm crazy, but you can get all of this done in a few hours, maybe one day. The point here is that you don't want to spend a lot of time getting this stuff done. The informational stuff won't make you money, and that's the ultimate goal of information marketing. You can always set something up now and make adjustments later.

Step 2: Drive traffic to your squeeze page - If you have spare money to spend that you don't care if you get back, you can invest in paid traffic. However, I recommend spending all of your time writing articles and submitting them to article directories. You will get highly qualified traffic from article directories. The key here is that in your first 30 days, you want to have a minimum of 150 to 200 articles. That can easily be done by writing 7 to 10 articles per day. Your first article might take you 3 hours, but the next one will only take 2, then 1 and so on. Before you know it, you'll crank out articles in 15 to 20 minutes flat. Bottom line is you must write a ton of articles or you won't see any real results in 30 days.

Step 3: Build relationships with your subscribers - As people join your list from your squeeze page, you now want to build relationships with them. You do this with your email auto-responder program. Send them daily emails with valuable content, not just affiliate offers or stuff like that. Focus on giving them great content and maybe ask them 3 or 4 times in a month what they want to learn about. When they reply to your email, you MUST answer them back. Giving them a personal response will do wonders for building relationships with your subscribers.

Step 4: Create products - Since you've been writing tons of articles, you already have most of the work done when creating products. You can easily put together an eBook based on the articles you've bee writing. Put the articles together in a format that makes sense based on the topic. A simple method to outline an eBook is to use a matrix where you have 10 topics and 10 subtopics from each main topic. That's 100 topics total. If you wrote 1 page for each subtopic (which each subtopic could be an article), you'd have a valuable eBook in no time that would be worth maybe $37. You could also take the topics and record a few hours audio program based on the outline. That could easily sell for $97. Point is, writing a lot of articles will give you the foundation for your products.

Step 5: Make money - Now that you're writing articles, driving traffic, building relationships and creating products, it's now time to sell the products and make money. You will have to create a sales letter to do this. In your first 30 days, don't worry about the quality of the sales letter. Just spend a few hours writing one or use a sales letter creator from a top Internet marketer. Just Google the term and you'll find solutions. The main thing to do is get the sales letter done and send it to your list asking them to evaluate the sales letter and to ask for feedback. If they buy it, which some will based on your relationship with them, you'll make money plus you'll get good feedback on how to improve the sales letter.

After 30 days of taking massive action with this simple plan, rinse and repeat.

By the way, if you liked this article, you will probably like my new daily newsletter on real Internet marketing strategies and techniques about topics just like the one I covered. I am sending a content-filled daily training for 1 full year. If you like this article, you should like the daily training.

7 Easy Tips On Simple Article Writing

Article writing is often seen as something difficult. One belief is that, in order to create quality content, you have to perform some complex taks and add some extra secret ingridients, like a magic position, or something. Well, maybe this concept is a key to success...never know, till you make it work. But, another common nominator for successful products and success in general, is simplicity. This is why I invite you to try making things as easy for yourself as you can. Here are 7 easy tips for simple article writing.

1. Have motivating expectations about this activity - Simplifying starts with having positive expectations. See how the articles, that you create, help you to get whatever you desire in your life. Whether it is a better financial situation, or being able to work from home while earning a good income. Associate good feelings with this process. Know why you are doing it and what it will give back to you. This makes it automatically a purposeful and more pleasurable task.

2. Use common words - It is possible to create great quality articles with common known words. This results in a more simple article writing, because you remove the need to search for impressive words. Besides, many readers are people whose first language is not English. The more simple words you use, the greater amount of people understand you.

3. Keep sentences short - It makes writing easier, because you start searching for more simple ways to phrase the same idea.

4. Pick a specific topic - if you choose a clear problem to discuss, then it is more easier for you to write. You know exactly what kind of information to look for and what questions to type into the search engines.

5. Write many similar articles on the same topic - Instead of selecting a new topic for every article, use the same main subject to create as many articles as you can. They will all have slightly different details and different headlines, but the main discussion point is the same. It is a powerful strategy for simple article writing. For every article it takes less time for research, since you don't have to introduce yourself to a completely new material every time.

6. Simplify structure - Introduction, then main paragraphs for each point, and a brief summary, listing the main points. No need to get more complex.

7. Prefer writing instead of perfecting - writing is the key activity that produces real content. If you stay thinking and perfecting things too long, you may get stuck. No need to hesitate too long before you finish your article.

There is always a way to make things easier. You just have to keep looking for ways, which give you the same or even better results with less effort. Simple article writing is about improving your productivity and making it an enjoyable task. Use these 7 tips to ease your process and create more success.

A Great Idea To Get Content For Your Articles

One of the best content marketing and traffic generation methods you can do in your information marketing business is to do article marketing. The quality of traffic is extremely high, the standards for getting articles accepted are high, and the rapport building with people starts with articles before they even opt-in to your database list.

However, you're not going to get a lot of results by just writing one article and stopping. You have to continuously produce articles because the more content you have, the more traffic you'll get. That leads to another challenge... constantly coming up with ideas for your content. Well, in this article, I'm going to give you one great idea for coming up with content for your articles.

Where do most people go to get questions answered? If you said a search engine like Google, you'd better mostly right. As great as Google is, or any search engine for that matter, people don't always find the answers they are looking for. So what's the next place people turn to get answers to their questions?


People search for forums in their niche, they go there and they search the forum postings to see if their question was already asked and/or answered. If they can't find the question, they will post the question for the other forum members to answer. I know this happens because I've done this a bunch of times myself.

Why is this important to you?

Because more times than not, people will still go to a search engine first to find an answer to their question. Hopefully a light bulb is going off in your head now, but if it's not, let me tell you why you should be excited about this.

The strategy here is to go to forums in your niche and write down whatever questions you find that people ask. Seriously, write them all down. The next step is to answer these questions as articles and submit them to your favorite article directory.


Article directories get more search engine presence and love when it comes to search engine rankings. So if someone has the same question that you wrote an article about, you have a better chance of coming up in the search results before the person goes to a forum to find the answer. This means that you'll get more traffic and you'll do more things that most other marketers aren't doing.

Furthermore, you can take it a step further by answering the questions in the forum by providing a reference or link back to your article, depending on the rules of the forum and what they allow to be posted in their comments. You never want to spam in forums or else you'll be kicked off very quickly. If you can legitimately answer their questions, you'll be perceived as an expert in the forum and in your niche.

Hopefully now you understand how powerful this strategy is in giving you tons of ideas for content for your articles.

By the way, if you liked this article, you will probably like my new daily newsletter on real Internet marketing strategies and techniques. I am sending a content-filled daily training for 1 full year. If you like this article, you should like the daily training.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Great Article Title Begins With Low Competition Keywords

Most successful marketers still use article writing in their daily business because they realize that it is one of the most powerful free traffic generation techniques available. They also know that if they want their article read they must give it a great article title. Writing is not only an effective marketing tool but one of the simplest to employ. If you're new to online affiliate marketing, article marketing is the perfect place to begin. Every good article starts with a keyword phrase and a compelling title.

Because it can be done without any out of the pocket expense, it is even more attractive. As your business grows you can outsource your writing, but until then you can make money writing your own content.

A very common reason why new marketers are intimidated by article writing is they just don't understand how to compose the perfect title. In this article I will show you an easy and fast technique to help you compose a successful title.

If your article doesn't have a great title chances are it won't have too many readers. If the title doesn't stir the reader's interest they are not going to be interested in reading your article. In order to get your article read by as many readers as possible, it needs to be ranked in the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. The search engine wants titles that contain keywords.

This is where keywords come into play. Choosing the right keyword or keyword phrase can get you noticed by the search engines, and choosing the wrong keyword could be a disaster.

You want your title to be interesting, engaging, and contain a keyword that people are looking for when they are using a search engine such as Google. Your first step to writing a good title and a good article is to choose a keyword or keyword phrase that you can write around.

An excellent source for free keyword research is to use the Google external keyword tool. Although this article is not about keyword research I will assume you know a little bit about it. You are looking for a keyword that has a relatively good search volume of between 1000 and 10,000 global searches a month, with low competition.

The reason is less than 1000 searches limit the amount of traffic that you can hopefully acquire. Over 10,000 and the competition is going to be very difficult to overtake with just one article. When doing your keyword research for your particular niche, focus on long-tailed keyword phrases.

See if you can find the so-called Golden Nugget. The Golden Nugget in my opinion is a keyword phrase that you can build your article around that has very little competition, and reasonable volume.

When you think you've chosen the right keyword go to the Google search field. Enter your keyword and put quotes around your phrase and hit the search button. Google will come back with the exact number of pages and you'll be competing against for that exact keyword phrase. Naturally the lower the number the better your chances are of getting on the front page of Google for that keyword phrase.

Now that you've chosen a keyword to write your article about you can compose your great article title. Take your keyword phrase and write ten titles using that phrase. Try to start you title with the keyword phrase and create ten interesting titles around it. Choose the best one, this may take a few minutes but it will be time well spent.

Article Source: Article Marketing School

How to Write More Articles Without Being an Expert Already

Have you ever wondered how some people have managed to write thousands of articles on the internet, which then drive massive traffic back to their sites. How did they do that? And how could you do the same, even if you think you don't have enough ideas for so many articles?

The method, which helps to write more articles, is to write articles in groups.

It starts with picking a topic in your niche. It should be a clear discussion point. For example, let's say that your niche is travelling. You then choose that your topic is going to be about cheap flights on the internet. Now, write as many similar articles on that one topic as you can. Change the headlines a bit, offer a bit different solutions in every article, use different words and sentences to explain the ideas. But the key topic throughout the articles stays the same.

You may ask: "Is that not a plagiarism? Will my content have any value if I write about the same topic and similar solutions all the time?"

No, it is not a plagiarism, as long as you write every article yourself, and don't copy paste it directly. Realise that any topic can be looked at from several different perspectives. Notice how many subtopics there are about cheap flights on the internet. How to find them? What to know about them? What are the secret tips to finding the cheapest ones? The list goes on. But they all have a lot in common.

Besides, the way that you express each idea is unique to you. You could ask thousand writers to explain the same concept and they would all do it slightly differently. Different readers understand different writers better and need the same ideas expressed in alternate ways. Your content has value.

Write more articles, even if other people have already created content about that same topic. Use their concepts as a learning material. Rewrite the same ideas in your own way. As long as you have no thoughts of your own, feel free to use other articles a source for ideas. Having no ideas of your own is not a reason to limit your article production.

If you write more articles on the same topic, you also gain a stronger expertise. You work through many concepts more than once.

Writing articles in groups is like playing with legos. You use the same construction elements - ideas - to build different things - articles. And you don't use all the ideas in every article. You select a limited amount of construction elements every time, to create different results and various combinations.

In order to write more articles, write them in groups. This enables you to create more content without having to be an expert already. But once you put this powerful method into practice, you most probably will become one. Creating massive amounts of articles this way is a great opportunity to educate yourself while you gain expertise.

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How To Write A Press Release Part 1

Press release writing is quite different from article writing or copywriting. Each style of writing must be viewed as a tool to accomplish a specific task, and when it comes to press release writing, this task is purely journalistic. This means that you must begin a news release with a newsworthy subject and not just advertising hype. But even if you have sensational news, if it's not presented correctly you'll get an editing request at best and quick deletion at worst. Knowing how to write a press release will prove critical in getting it accepted and published by editors and media outlets around the world. We'll explain using a traditional press release writing strategy.


2.) Contact: Mr. Fancy Pants
(123)-456-7890 Ext. 212
Insert Email Address Here

3.) Press Release Service Gives Free News Release Writing Techniques

4.) ANYWHERE, Anyplace October 12, 2011

5.) Content for Conversions announced free press release writing education for the public today. The article writing service and press release distribution company has made the writing strategies available online in order to assist individuals and businesses in developing their own news stories for a variety of purposes.

Press release writing begins with basic information in the format shown above:

1.) Most PRs are delivered to editors with the intention that they be immediately released if possible. However, some people submit their news releases in advance and provide the editor with a specific date to release it. We recommend retaining your release until it is ready for distribution unless you are an experienced PR person.

2.) The contact information is self-explanatory, but you need to plan ahead. The person listed here is being presented as the media contact person, so if the story generates a landslide of publicity this person could be deluged with requests for edits, follow-up questions from journalists and writers, and possibly requests for interviews and appearances. Make certain that this person can handle such a surge in press activity.

3.) The title is the most important part of news release writing. It must summarize the point of your news release using as few words as possible. This can be difficult considering that for many people SEO is also a critical consideration. Therefore, placement of the primary keyword as close to the beginning of the title as possible is crucial. In fact, if you start the title with your keyword it may help to develop the rest of it. Working in 2 keywords naturally is also highly recommended, but this should be done by experienced writers only.

Remember that the title needs to immediately grab the reader's attention and then impart a very careful summary of the entire release. Keep it simple; use short words and as few of them as possible.

4.) This section is self-explanatory: list the region that the events described in the story occurred in, NOT the region you would like to target. The date should be the date you expect the public to see the story.

5.) If the title reels the reader in, then the job of your news release is only just beginning. Now that your keywords and title have attracted them to what you have to say, you need to say it quickly and in a format that is easily digestible. This is done in the summary, which is like an introduction to the actual release itself.

Like the title, the summary should be short, concise, and waste no time delivering the full value of the press release all in one very short paragraph. In traditional journalistic style the summary should include the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of the release. Examine the summary in item 5 above and you'll see that all of the 5 W's (as the strategy is known in the industry) have been covered.

Stay tuned for the rest of this article: Press Release Writing: How to Write a Press Release Part 2 from Content for Conversions.

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How to Write More Articles Faster by Simplifying Your Writing

In order to write more articles faster, simplify your current way of writing as much as you can. Leave only these elements that are the most important. Imagine if you could write twice as many articles each day, just because you stopped doing things, that add little value to your articles. And it may be so. Excluding all the details, which have little significance, have a positive impact on your overall productivity. Here are some ideas on how to simplify your writing and create more content.

1. Write shorter sentences - The longer your sentences are, the harder it is for the reader to follow them. I know from my own experience, that it is tempting to put all the information in one sentence. But as you practice expressing the same information in smaller chunks, it becomes easier and faster. You not only begin to write more articles, but you also make your text more clear and transparent.

2. Use common words and phrases - No need to spend time searching for impressive words and little known phrases. You can write great stories with simple words. Moreover, many of your readers are people whose native language is not English. Simple vocabulary means that you have a greater audience.

3. Practice leaving your initial sentences as they are - Don't perfect your sentences too much. Make only minor corrections. Become aware that you don't need to rephrase, rewrite, nor restructure your sentences that much at all. Trust your way of writing. This enables you to write more articles in less time, since you are not trying to perfect something, that is already good enough.

4. Start from the easiest part - After you have a title, start writing from the part that seems to be the easiest. I usually start with the main points. I then expand each one of them, adding explaining sentences which go into more detail. This gives me my main paragraphs. After that it is easy to write the introduction and the summary, which are just brief conclusions of my main paragraphs.

In order to write more articles in less time, write shorter sentences, use common words and phrases, practice leaving your initial sentences, and start writing from the part that is easiest for you. Speeding up your process of content creation is an important step. It not only increases your production, but also helps to lengthen your writing career, because the whole process becomes easier and more enjoyable.

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How to Write Articles Faster With Less Time Involved

The amount of profit that you can generate online, depends on the amount of exposure you get to yourself or your business. Creating content is one way to do that. If you want to get more exposure, you need to increase the amount of articles you have on internet. Here are 5 methods that help you to write articles faster and create more success.

1. Do research wisely - You can do it in two ways: either look for new information every time you write an article, or gather more information first and then write more articles. Pick the method that suits you best.

The benefit of the first technique is that you don't have to have the information beforehand. You just come up with your title, and use or any other great information source to get your ideas for the content.

The second option is to separate research and writing. This is a good strategy to write articles faster, in case they all have the same main topic. It means spending a bit more time on research, writing down all the main ideas that you find. Once you begin with the writing process, you have a wide selection of ideas already available to you. Just select which ones go into which articles.

2. Have a notebook for drafts - carry a simple notebook with you, which you can use whenever you have time for it. Sketch down any ideas which could help you in your next article writing. This could be only a title. Or it could be only the main points. This gives you a headstart when starting your next article.

3. Use techniques that work for you - although there are so many different ways to write articles faster, experiment and use the ones that give you the best results.

4. Take time to educate yourself in your topic - In case you are a newbie in a subject, every moment spent on reading or even watching a YouTube movie about that topic gives you more information to put into your articles. And the more information you have in your head, the less time it takes to do the research.

5. Use easy writing formats - The easiest of them being a question and answer format. Ask a simple question in the introduction, provide three solutions with additional explanation, which make up the main paragraphs, and end with a brief conclusion. There are other writing formats include list of useful tips, personal experience story, step-by-step instructions.

To write articles faster do research wisely, have a notebook for drafts, use techniques that work for you, take time to educate yourself in your topic, and use easy writing formats. Start practicing methods that enable you to create content with less time involved. It is the only way to find out which one of them actually works for you.

Article Source: Article Marketing School

How to Save Your Time Quick Article Writing

Although it is vital to write many articles to get significant results, it is also important to master some easy techniques, that enable you to get the job done without sacrificing your whole time. You want to spend the least amount of time and energy, while maintaining the quality of the articles. Here are 5 methods for quick article writing.

1. Select the right time - When are you most productive? Is it in the morning after you wake up? Or perhaps it's in the evening instead? Selecting the right time means that you are not forcing yourself so much. It is easier for you to focus and get things done with less effort. Knowing your most productive time is one key to quick article writing.

2. Take small breaks - Stay aware of your level of freshness and notice when you need a little break. For example, when I get tired, I usually start over-thinking and perfecting things too much. This results in greatly reduced writing speed. It may be a more productive decision to take a little break and continue later.

3. After you have the title, get the main points - Your articles are made of content. And the most important parts of your content are the main points. In order to master quick article writing, get your main ideas, add a few explaining sentences to each one of them, and you have your main content. After that you just need to write an introduction, a brief summary, and you're finished.

4. Prefer simple and commonly used words - It saves you time, because you don't have to search for fancy words. It also makes your articles understandable to a larger audience. Many readers of your articles are people whose first language is not English.

5. Adopt a quick article writing technique and stick to it - there are so many different methods for faster article creation. In order to get the most out of these methods, practice them without switching them too quickly. It may take some time before the technique starts working for you.

The five methods for quick article writing are selecting the right time, taking small breaks, starting with the title and the main points, preferring the most commonly used words, and practicing quick article writing techniques without switching them too fast. The core of every success is persistence. Just keep writing, use some techniques that simplify the process, and encourage yourself on your way to success.

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How to Practice Fast Article Writing More Effectively

If you want to become faster at writing your articles, it is important to have the right techniques. But it is one thing to know some methods, and it is completely another thing to make them work for you. If you don't know how to make these strategies a part of your own writing routine, then they are of little help to you. Here are three simple ideas on how to practice fast article writing more effectively.

1. Select any technique and stick to it for a while - It is actually good to know as many different techniques and methods as possible. But it has little impact on your overall productivity, if you don't start practicing any of them. There are so many different methods and ways to speed up your writing. Actually, you can probably improve your productivity with most of these methods, once you take the time to iternalise them and make them yours. To take your learning to the next level, pick one technique and use it for some time. At first it might help you little with fast article writing, since you are learning something new. The method seems clumsy and useless. But as you tender it on a daily basis, it may start hatching.

2. Be supportive towards yourself - there is no need to start blaming yourself if better results won't show up as fast as you expected. Accept your speed of learning.

3. It is better to keep writing than to quit writing because of a fast article writing method that gets you stuck - It may happen, that the method you are trying to adopt, gets you stuck and frustrated instead. If that's the case, leave that technique for now. Either stick to your current way of writing or move on to the next method. It is better to use the techniques and ways of doing things, that don't get you down and confused. Make your priority to keep writing, instead of focusing on increasing your speed right from the beginning. Your speed will increase automatically as you keep on writing from day to day, even if you don't apply any special techniques. If someone claims that this is the fastest way of doing things, then it really might be so for that particular person. But it may have a totally different effect on you. Be your own authority.

To practice fast article writing more effectively, practice the techniques instead of searching for more, be supportive towards yourself, and avoid methods that get you stuck instead. Developing speed is something that comes over time. Use your will and the three simple points above, to get more out of your learning process.

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Tips for Reaching Article Marketing Success With Your Bio

Article marketing is a great way to grow your business, but did you know your bio is a great way to promote a new product or service? If you do it properly, you'll be able to drive traffic to a page where you have a new product or service described in detail.

One of the most important things to remember when you're writing your bio is you don't want it to sound like an ad. Article marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site, but you want to do it in such a way that your readers won't realize you're trying to get them to go to your site.

You want your bio to match your article, but that's tricky to do when you don't want to sound like you're promoting what you offer in the body of the article. The best way to do this is to be brief about it. Use the link to explain everything you do and how they can make the purchase.

With that said it's very important to make sure you use the correct link, a link that works properly, and is very descriptive. You need to make sure the content on the page is detailed and you need to include a way for them to contact you if they have questions or concerns. You also need to make sure you tell them several times how to make a purchase.

Your bio is written in the third person and it's important to include your name in the first sentence along with a brief description of yourself. The next two or three sentences describe your business and what you're promoting along with at least one link, but no more than two. You don't want to make your bio too long, but it needs to be long enough to get the point across. A good rule of thumb for your article is 300 words at the most.

Your bio is what helps your readers to know exactly what you offer and how you can help them with what you offer. It's important to write it in a way that will encourage them to visit your site and make a purchase from you. When you do that you'll have success with article marketing.

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Article Marketing School


3 Steps to Improve Your Article Writing Speed: free article writing tips

When it comes to making money online, writing articles for traffic generating purposes is one of the most valuable skills to have. And the benefits are long-term: write once and get free traffic for years. In order to maximize this valuable opportunity, it is important to be as productive as you can. Improve your article writing speed by using the following three steps to fast article writing.

1. Get yourself into the mood of writing - picture yourself the benefits that article writing can give you. Such as, residual income for years, being able to select your own working hours, no commute to work. Imagine how you are creating articles with ease. And you are getting better and better each day. The point is to remove all negative expectations and beliefs that try to convince you how hard it is to write articles. Replace these unproductive feelings and thoughts with the ones that motivate and encourage you. Choose to see that this is one of the easiest tasks in the world. It means that you reprogram yourself for fast article writing.

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2. Select a productive environment - it means preferring a room or a place, where you are least distracted. If you are one of those privileged persons, who can concentrate easily in the middle of a rock concert, that's just fantastic! But the less factors there are, which make your mind wonder, the more you have energy to focus on writing. If possible, create yourself your own writing lair, which supports you the most, and makes working comfortable.

3. Look for ways to simplify your current way of writing - find techniques and strategies that help to minimize the time you spend on each article. Many fast article writing strategies mean that you just do the minimum that is required. Article writing is actually a simple thing. But it takes some time and practice to remove the complexity that we think is vital for our success. To increase the productivity, make things as easy for yourself as you can. Because, at the end of the day, it all comes down to the amount of articles that drive you traffic, not the level of perfection that your content has.

The three steps to fast article writing are getting yourself into the mood of writing, selecting a productive environment, and looking for ways to simplify your current way of writing. You have such power and control over your own online success by writing massive amounts of articles. Just keep your everyday production steady, apply these principles, and watch your results increase surely.

How to Make Money Writing Guest Posts: top tips

Have you ever seen an article on a blog that said it was written by a guest poster? Did you ever wonder how they got to guest post and why they wanted to? Do they get paid? What's the incentive? The truth is you can make money writing guest posts. It may or may not be direct income, but if you love to write, it is a good way to get started making money online.

What is a Guest Post?

A guest post is when a blog or website decides to post an article written by someone other than themselves or a staff writer. For example, let's say I have a blog about gardening. I write about all sorts of gardening topics like herb gardens, vegetable gardens, and garden tools. Let's say Jeff also has a blog about gardening. Maybe it's more specific to herb gardening. He can contact me, or I might contact him, about writing an article for my blog. He'll write up a great article about herb gardening and I'll post it on my site as a guest post.

Get Paid to Write

Some blogs hire writers to be regular posters on their blog. If you're a good writer and you can work on a regular basis, look for job postings on writing sites to be a guest blogger. Keep an eye out at your favorite blogs to see if they are ever looking for a writer. Offer your skills to someone who has a blog that is in your area of expertise.

Promote yourself

Many blog owners will post guest posts without paying the poster. Why would they post if they didn't get paid? It's because they are letting them have a link to their own website. It's a great way to promote your website. If you have your own blog, you can guest post on other blogs that are on similar topics to yours and make money from your blog with advertising or other products. The links on their website can send you traffic and will help you move up in the search results of search engines like Google or Yahoo. It seems like it's a lot to do without a lot of direct benefit, but it will help you over time.

Promote your Business

Do you have a regular business, online or offline? You can help promote it through guest posting. Guest post on sites that are in your industry niche and link back to your business website. If you don't have a business website, get one right away. You're losing out on a big market!

Article Source: Article Marketing School

How to Make Extra Money From Article Writing

Thanks to today's modern technology there are now many new ways to make extra money. For the purpose of this article we will focus making money through article writing. Nowadays writing articles provides us with a great way to make money. There are many different methods in which you can use these articles to make an income, so let's take a look at a few.

Firstly, you can write promotional articles whereby you promote your own product or service. This will often need to be done in an indirect way, but a well written article can effectively promote your website and/or products and services. Whatever it is that you want to promote you can simply write about. Once you have successfully written your articles and checked them, then you can publish them on article directories. Ensure that they are original and high quality, otherwise they could be labelled as spam. It is also wise not to publish them on too many directories as this could put them at risk of being deleted.

Composing articles for other companies are also great ways to make extra money, but if you choose this method then you should not publish them to other websites as the uniqueness is crucial. Many internet businesses use articles to rank higher in the search engines. They will often employ the help of a professional writer to compose these articles for them. So therefore it is a great way for us to make money from writing. These days more and more people are recognising the influence that these articles can have on page rankings and search rankings. This is why these companies now seek great articles, with keyword rich content to assist them with their SEO. This is one of the easiest ways to make extra money, as there is a high demand for writers. There are many article writings services hiring people to work in their teams. You can create your own articles and sell them or create them as and when required. You can work as a freelancer or as part of a writing team.

Affiliate programs and Google AdSense are also great ways to make extra money. With this method you will need to open a blog with WordPress and create articles about the various products, services or companies then publish them on the blog. It is best to write these articles in third person and to keep it personal. You can make use of the affiliate program links by attaching them to your keywords. When your readers click your links and make a purchase then you will earn a commission. This commission tends to vary from 2% to 50%, depending on the product and service that you advertise.

So as you can see there are many ways to make extra money from writing articles. From using them to advertise your own site, to selling them or even using them as part of an affiliate program.

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SEO Article Marketing and Writing Guide for Online Coaches

Sinking your teeth into the field of internet marketing means learning to do several different things in order to attract not only the search engines but your target audience as well. One of the things that you cannot afford to ignore is SEO article marketing. This is a very simple yet powerful traffic-generation strategy. By simply making your articles search engine-friendly and by making sure that you're offering your readers with great, useful information, you'll be guaranteed enormous traffic to your blog, website, or squeeze page.

In this article, I wish to help you learn the process of writing amazing SEO articles. Here's what you need to do:

Know your target audience. One thing that I would like you to always remember is that SEO article writing isn't all about writing for search engines. More than that, it's writing for your target audience. So, care to identify and understand the people that you're serving. As a writer, it' very important that you do understand their needs and demands. Research your readership and know as much information as possible. Believe me, this will make the process of writing targeted articles a lot easier.

Read about SEO article writing. You'll be happy to know that there are a lot of online materials related to SEO. Pick and read those that were written by those people who are considered authorities in this field. Your goal here is to understand how articles are being indexed and to know what search engines are looking for when they're assigning page ranking. You must also know and master the techniques that you can use to make your articles search engine-friendly.

Keyword research. This is one step that you cannot afford to skip. Even if you think that you have an idea about the keywords that your target audience are using on search engines, it's still helpful to conduct keyword research to ensure that you'll get nothing but reliable data. Obviously, the best and most profitable keywords for you are those that are related to your coaching programs and those that are not highly competitive. Based on research, you'll have a better shot at easily getting found in the online arena if you use long tail keywords.

Create an outline. One thing that you need to do in order to give your audience great reading experience is to ensure that your articles are coherent and that they flow smoothly. This is the reason why I suggest that you plan your content before you even start writing. Doing this is relatively simple. Start by deciding as to what specific ideas you're going to discuss and arrange them in a logical manner. Before you start writing, review your outline to make sure that everything you need to cover will be discussed. If needed, remove those data or ideas that are not really relevant to your main topic to easily make your articles more focused.

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Tips: Article Writing Guidelines for Coaches

Writing articles is one of the best things that you can do when selling coaching programs and other information-based products in the online arena. You have a better shot at getting people to notice you if instead of ads, you offer them with the kind of information they need.

The reason I am writing this article is because I would like to give you some useful guidelines on how you can write the perfect articles for your website and for your article marketing campaign. Here's what you need to do:

Plan ahead. Tapping on your keyboard right away will not do the trick. As you would want your articles to be coherent and very informative, you will need to make some necessary preparations first. Start by choosing the topics that you're going to discuss. Ensure that they're closely related to your coaching programs and that your target audience will find them extremely interesting. Then, decide as to how much information you're going to offer.

You need to limit the scope of your content ahead of time so you can avoid making your articles unnecessary lengthy.

Research. No matter how knowledgeable you are in your chosen niche, I would still suggest that you do your research before you start writing your articles. This is not only to get additional data but also to know what information were already offered by your competitors. As much as possible, you would want to load your articles with fresh info to make them stand out from the crowd.

Think of a killer title. It's crucial that you make use of attention-grabbing title as this is the first thing that your target audience will see. Online users will surely pay attention if you tell them the gist of your content and the benefit that it can offer. Keep all your titles short but catchy. Also, ensure that they contain the keywords that you're targeting.

Make it very informative. Be very generous when sharing a slice of your expertise. This is the best thing that you can do to make your articles look more valuable to the eyes of your readers. The more information you offer, the better your chances of convincing these people to click through your resource box. Just ensure that each information you include in your articles are fresh and useful.

Put your readers at ease. The one thing that you don't want to do is to bore your readers. You don't want them to close your articles before they reach your resource box, right? So, put them at ease and give them great reading experience. Be upbeat and spontaneous all the time. Also, make your articles not only scannable but easy to understand as well.

Proofread and revise. End the process by checking your articles and by making sure that they don't contain any error that can affect the image that you're trying to project in the online arena.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

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What Should a Good Article Contain?- Best article writing tips

Creating valuable content is a basic skill, that helps you to earn income online. It is not so difficult to write successful articles, once you keep some simple points in mind. Your articles just need to contain some specific features. Good article offers enough value to your readers, delivering high traffic back to your site. Here are three essential features that a good article should contain.

1. Educating information - No matter if you have only 400 - 500 words of space, and you can only cover a few valuable points. Fill your article with something educating. Because the readers, who stumble upon your writings, are mostly looking for knowledge. They are mainly people who are searching the internet for information. If you offer something educating and useful, then they have found something that they have been looking for. And by offering them something what they have been looking for, you make them also feel grateful. You gain more credibility. The readers take your advice more seriously and they are more likely to check out your links and other offers. This results in higher traffic.

2. Targeted information - A good article is written for a certain group of people. For people, who have one specific problem. Keeping articles targeted means that you are solving specific problems and helping specific people with a specific problem. So, besides offering education, make sure that you offer information, which is in demand. Write about a subject that people are searching for. If you don't know what kind of problems need solutions in your niche, do some research. Read forums or do keyword research.

3. Simple words, simple phrases, short sentences - Writing for internet means that you are writing for the whole world. Your readers come from different countries and therefore they all have different reading capabilities. The more simple words and phrases you use, the greater your audience is. Good article offers specific information, using simple words and phrases. Moreover, prefer using shorter sentences. This gives more room for each thought, making your articles more easy to read.

A good article should contain educating information. It is written for someone specific, offering solutions that this person is looking for. Also, use simple words, simple phrases and shorter sentences, to make your text more clear and easy to read. Applying these three techniques gives your articles more value, since you use some basic techniques, which cheer your readers and deliver you more traffic.

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How to Crafting Your Article Titles

Article marketing is the act of writing value-filled articles and submitting them to article directories in exchange for receiving traffic back to a website. Article marketing is a powerful traffic generation strategy as it produces some of the most highly qualified traffic out there. The trick with article marketing is that you can't just write a few articles and then sit back and wait for the traffic to come pouring in. It won't. You have to write tons and tons of articles. So in this article, I'm going to give you ideas and tips of how to craft article titles so you can produce the thousands of articles you need to succeed with this strategy.

There are really 2 approaches to article titles. One way is by keyword optimization and the other is by using 'eye grabbing' titles. Let's take a look at both approaches.

The basic idea of keyword optimization titles is to use the main keyword in the title as early as possible. For instance, take a look at the title of this article. What's the first two words I used? What keywords do you think I'm targeting in this article? That's a pretty simple example, but honestly that's how easy you can make the article titles with keyword optimization in mind. Sometimes keeping the title short and simple with the keywords at the beginning is all you need to rank high with the search engines.

The other method is using eye grabbing article titles. Plain and simple, you want to craft your article title to catch the attention of the reader. There are a lot of different ways to approach this method, so let me give you a few examples now.

One way is to use numbers in your titles along with specific keywords like 'steps' or 'ways', or anything else that makes sense. For instance, an article title might be something like this... '5 Steps To Writing The Perfect Article' or '7 Ways To Teach Your Dog To Walk By Your Side'. Anything like that works great because people love it when you give them a distinct number that teaches them to do something.

Another great article title is to use the 'how to' title, which teaches people how to do something. This approach works amazingly well because people are usually reading articles to learn something or get more information about something. If someone wants to learn how to speed read and you write an article titled 'How To Learn Speed Reading In 10 Minutes Flat', you have a good chance of that person reading your article. Plus, the search engines like these types of articles too.

One final tip for crafting article titles is to use negative words or play on negative things. Let's be honest here... people gravitate towards negative things. That's why the news is filled with tragedies and horror stories instead of good news. So when your title has some negative things in them, people will read the articles. Examples could be things like 'disadvantages', 'scam', or other stuff like that.

With what I just taught you about article titles, you should be able to come up with an unlimited amount of article titles for you to use in your article marketing efforts.

By the way, if you liked this article, you will probably like my new daily newsletter on real Internet marketing strategies and techniques about topics just like the one I covered. I am sending a content-filled daily training for 1 full year. If you like this article, you should like the daily training.

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How to Find the Best Gust writers for Effective Outsourcing Tips for Coaches

Do you want to promote your coaching programs through article marketing but can't simply find the time to write and distribute your articles online? No problem! You can always find reliable ghostwriters or freelance article marketers who are more than happy to do the legwork for you.

Here's how you can find the best partner:

First, it's important that you figure out exactly what you want. Before you contact ghostwriters, ensure that you know how many articles you need and when you need them. These are just some of the information that ghostwriters would want to know before they'll accept any article writing project.

Ask for recommendations. Hundreds and thousands of ebusiness owners have used the services of ghostwriters before. Contact some of them and see if they can recommend a good writer to you. You can also go to forums related to copywriting and internet marketing. Most of the time, people there are talking about their great working experience with freelancers. This will surely give you an idea as to which ghostwriter you're going to contact.

Use top-rated freelancing sites. If getting recommendations is not an option, I would suggest that you visit top-rated freelancing sites. In here, you'll be able to get in touch with hundreds of highly recommended ghostwriters. Here's how it works with these sites; you'll post an article writing/marketing project and wait for interested parties to bid.

Attract more bidders by offering better pay.

You'll be able to maximize the number of your bids and you'll be able to attract those people who have proven track record in the field of ghostwriting if you offer at least $5-$10 per article. Keep your project open for 2 or more days to give all interested bidders enough time to send their proposals.

Study each proposal. Don't be in a hurry when reviewing the proposals that you got from interested bidders. It's best if you review and compare their offers. Also, review their online portfolio to confirm if they really have the needed skills and expertise to write the kind of articles that you're looking for. Keep in mind that going with the highest bidder isn't always the best option. Sometimes, you'll find people who are very talented and who are charging reasonable fees.

Trial and error. You don't want to entrust huge projects the first time you work with a particular ghostwriter. It's best if you assign smaller project first (5-20 articles). Then, post the articles on directories and blogs and see how online users will react to them. You can re-hire your ghostwriters based on the result of their first small projects.

Say no to advance payment. The last thing that you would like to happen is to get scammed. You don't want your chosen freelancers to disappear with your money without getting your articles done, right?

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Or do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?

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Article Writing top rated Techniques Create an Outline for the Writing Process

Creating an outline is a great way to speed up your writing process. It involves gathering and writing down the key ideas, which then let you to create your article with ease. It saves your time and helps to keep you focused. It shouldn't be something too complicated, once you know what to do. This technique is an optional strategy. But many successful article writers have adopted this method, to improve their writings and their productivity. Here are three basic steps, that help you to create an outline for the writing process from start to finish.

1. Choose a working title - This means that you pick a topic in your niche which is in demand. Use keyword research to make sure that this topic is something that people are actively searching for. If you don't do this step, and start creating content without knowing what your audience needs, then you risk creating something that gives you no traffic at all. That's because people are not searching for the kind of information that you just created, although you may have spent an enormous amount of time and effort.

2. Write down the main ideas - Once you have a working title, find the main ideas, which are the most important details of your content. Most articles need only three main ideas. This is enough for a typical 400 word internet article. If you already have the knowledge needed, that's just great! Just write down a limited amount of main concepts and proceed to the final step on how to create an outline for the writing process. But if you need more knowledge, search EzineArticles, Google, or Wikipedia, to gather some more information. You only require a limited amount of key concepts. It is better to offer less main ideas with a bit more detailed information, than to provide a list of 10 to 20 different keywords, which have almost no additional explanation.

3. Find supporting ideas - Finally, add two to three keywords or keyphrases for each main point, which symbolise the additional explaining ideas. Writing down the keywords helps to remind them in your writing phase. If you need more knowledge to come up with your supporting ideas, do some research again.

In order create an outline for the article writing process, choose a working title, write down the main ideas, and find supporting ideas. It is important to select a topic which people are searching for. Creating an outline like this helps to make the writing process more easy. You now have all your ideas, and you don't have to do research anymore. Moreover, you already know what your article is going to contain, which makes it more simple for you to write a clear and easy to follow text.

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Easiest Five Ways to Enrich Your Life With Interesting Articles Online

There are a lot of interesting articles to be found online today. Many are on things you think you know a lot about, but could actually stand to learn more about. Others are on things you know nothing about and even things you have never heard of before. If you have just a little time and motivation, you can use these knowledge sharing articles to enrich your life in five ways.

#1: Learn new things that will help you get through life easier.

There are a lot of things about life and the problems of life that can be discovered through interesting articles online. There are articles that explain how to get rid of pimples fast and make your crow's feet less obvious. There are also many knowledge sharing articles that are about more serious subjects, including common signs of skin cancer and how to design a workout program that is effective.

If there is something that could make your life easier, it is out there on the Internet somewhere. Find an article sharing site with subjects that pertain to your life, and start reading. Your life will be easier and more successful as a result.

#2: Find answers to questions that you have always wondered about.

Everyone has things that they have always wondered about but have never taken the initiative to find out about. Right now is your time to do that, since you have the Internet at your fingertips. It only takes a minute to flip to your favorite article sharing site and find things to read that will give you the answers you have always wanted to discover. It's time to stop wondering and start discovering.

#3: Find local resources that will improve your life in some manner.

If you need to find local retailers, service providers, community groups or organizations, the best place to go is the Internet. There are many interesting articles from locals of different communities around the world. There are probably some articles out there about the places you live and the things places you want to visit in your life. Go online and discover your own community!

#4: Discover how people live in other areas of the world so you can compare your own life or plan trips.

If you are interested in visiting Bali, you might go to to find a variety of interesting articles about the Suluban Cliff. This is one of the best reading websites now offering high value knowledge sharing articles on a variety of topics. They also happen to offer some very informative articles on planning a trip to Bali and enjoying your time once you arrive.

Wherever you want to visit, virtually or in real life, there are interesting articles online waiting to help you get the best travel arrangements and make the most of your vacation time.

#5: Take advantage of inspiration for your creative projects.

Finally, you can enrich your life by using interesting articles online and using them as inspiration for your creative projects. Whether you are a writer, painter, sculptor, or acrobat, there are articles online that can help you improve your art. These articles can spark new ideas that may have never come to you in your own daily life. Get online and get inspired today! is waiting for you.

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Understanding Revision Policies and Guarantees in article writing service

Article writing services vary greatly in the revision policies and guarantees that they offer. Unfortunately, because writing is such a subjective art, it's not often that you'll find generous editing policies or protective guarantees. This is because whether you like the end result or not, the work is done and can't be undone - meaning you can't return it. And while some writers might limit revisions because they take offense to critiques of their work, others may restrict them in order to mitigate the much-loathed finicky client. Understanding what types of revision and guarantee policies are normally offered by article writing services is essential for selecting the company that will place the value of you as a customer far above the perceived annoyance caused by requests for revisions or work guarantees.

In order to understand the policies of article writing services in general, we'll examine the revision and editing practices at the top 5 companies ranking for that particular keyword. The names of these companies will be omitted, but you can find out who they are simply by Googling "article writing services."

1. This top ranking company only guarantees that their work is 100% original. It specifically guarantees that work will be free from grammar errors, but does not make mention of spelling errors, word choice errors, syntax errors, problems with formatting, issues with tense or style, research inaccuracies, etc. The policy at this company is that clients have 48 hours to request an edit once the document has been submitted. So if you order 10 or 20 articles, you need to have time to review them thoroughly right away or you'll lose the right to any revisions. The site does not state that it offers refunds of any kind - only one revision within 48 hours.

2. The second highest ranked company for the term article writing service states that once an article has been started, there will be no refunds. As far as revisions are concerned, the company first explicitly states that errors with spelling and grammar can be expected from time to time, and then indicates that they will: "repair any errors you are able to identify for us."

3. Of these top 5 companies, number 3 has the only policy that is at least partially acceptable. This article writing service states that they will do whatever is necessary to bring the article to an acceptable standard, including completely rewriting it if necessary. However, once work has been started on an article there will be no refunds issued.

4. Other than a blatant spelling mistake in the first 2 sentences on this site, there wasn't anything related to editing or revisions to be found. There is no section of the site that mentions revisions, editing, refunds or guarantees of any type.

5. This article writing services company also makes no mention of a policy concerning revisions, editing, refunds or guarantees.

Considering that these are the top 5 ranked companies of their kind on the web (ranked by Google for the keyword mentioned previously) the results are disappointing. Because writing is so subjective, it can be difficult for any potential client to feel secure if the revisions and editing policies of a writing company are weak or non-existent. However, finding a medium ground isn't always easy.

Buyers of professional writing should be entitled to reasonable revisions until they are satisfied with the work. And if the writer cannot achieve the buyer's approval, then the transaction should be voided and the customer refunded. It's a simple policy but it's one that only one article writing service on the web offers. Check the links below to find out more now.

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What Are the Different Types of Articles? : Article Writing Tips

There are different ways to present valuable information through articles, each one of them giving a unique reading experience. Some of them are used more often, while others are mostly associated with only certain topics. Here are 7 different types of articles, which are all popular and effective writing formats.

1. Question and answer - Search forums or do keyword research to find out what questions people have in your niche. You then take one question and write your article as an answer to that.

2. Tips list - This is also one of the most popular types of articles, since it presents useful facts in a simple and easy to follow way. For example, list 7 to 10 ways of doing something better, explaining each one of them only with 1 to 2 sentences. Notice that this article is actually a tips list.

3. Instructional article - Also known as a how-to article, where you present a step-by-step instruction on how to do something, or how to develop a new skill that your readers need.

4. News article - This means describing an event objectively, using five basic questions: who, what, where, when, why. This is one of the most popular types of articles in the topics of general interest, politics, business, sports, etc.

5. Review - You offer an honest point of view about a product or service that you just used. For example, list the pros and cons, tell how much it helped you, and was it worth the price.

6. Personal Experience - This means writing about an experience, which may have been a difficult or complicated situation, but in the end taught you something valuable. It is important to give readers some wise words or tips on how to deal with such situations or experiences.

7. Inspirational article - Inspirational and personal experience articles are one of the most emotional types of articles, making it possible to connect with the reader in a way that other forms of articles mostly can't. Inspirational article presents a positive story or a real life experience, which has the power to encourage and motivate. Apart from a personal experience article, you don't have to offer more wise words, since the story itself already presents a successful way of doing something.

7 different types of articles are question and answer, tips list, instructional article, news article, review, personal experience, and inspirational article. Start with the ones that suit your niche and seem to bet the easiest for you, to maximise your results and your productivity.

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Article Marketing School

5 Simple Steps to Grow Your Info Business and Sales by Content Marketing

Content based marketing solutions like article marketing, blogging, and ezine publishing are the best ways to reach out to your target market when you're running an online business. PPC and banner ads may attract people's attention or pique curiosity but content distribution leaves a lasting impression. By simply sharing your knowledge in your niche to your target audience, you're actually helping, educating people and that's something that they won't forget in a split second.

Here are the things that you can do to make your content marketing campaign more effective:

Be an expert. The only way that this internet marketing tool will work for you is if you're really an expert in your niche. People will easily take you seriously if you make sense and if you're really helping them. So, before you even decide to use this tool, ensure that you've got more than enough knowledge to share. Increase what you know by doing extensive research or perhaps, by doing experiments. Interviewing other people who are considered authorities in your field will also help. Strive to find the answers to all the questions that your potential clients might have.

Learn how to write enticing headlines. When people online search for specific information, they'll get a list of web pages and articles on search page results. They decide which one to read based on the headlines or titles. Yours will not be ignored if you give these people a clear idea as to what is in store for them. Strive to make your headlines attention-grabbing, benefit-driven, and extremely intriguing. Use words that will help you target your prospect's emotional hot buttons.

Always deliver high quality content. Your success in this endeavor will always depend on the quality of your content. So, don't be in a hurry when tapping on your keyboard. Always think of your readers and do all your might to ensure that they'll walk away truly happy. Remember, this isn't just about getting something out there or building links for your website. It's all about making a lasting mark and impressing your readers so they'll come back over and over again. In the end, they'll most likely to consider doing business with you.

Strive to deliver something new. When writing about the same niche over and over again, it's really difficult not to talk about the same topic twice. However, try to talk about something new or something current that will excite your readers every now and then. Make it a point to check RSS feeds before you start your day. Know the latest issues that are related to your business and products and be the first one to write about them. It would be good to be known as a great source of useful and new information, right?

Proofread. Be a responsible internet marketer and writer. Do not publish what you've written without reviewing and editing them. Check your content for grammar, spelling, or even factual errors. Ensure that the content flow smoothly and that every part of it is worth your readers' while.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

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How to write Engaging Article on Any Topic

If you've ever written an article, you may have experienced some frustration. A big pile of questions floating in your head, paralysing your ability to create any content. You have no idea on how to create an effective article, and therefore you escape doing something else, instead of writing your articles. In order to make this process more easy, here are 7 tips on writing an engaging article on any topic.

1. Select an article writing format which suits your topic best - Whether it is a how-to article, a tips list, a question and answer article, select an article writing format, which is the most simple and effective way to present the information needed.

2. Alive introduction - Use some additional sentences besides the ones that start with:"We're going to discuss about..." Use your imagination and wonderful sense of humour to make the first sentences of your article a bit more interesting, so that they don't sound like straight from the heaviest hardcore encyclopedia.

3. Use simple words and shorter sentences - Preferring simple words and shorter sentences makes your articles easy to follow. This is one of the most basic elements when writing an engaging article on any topic.

4. Keep your structure in 3 main parts - Introduction, main body, conclusion. Main body includes the key ideas or key solutions with additional explanation, introduction opens the discussion, leading in the first main paragraph, and conclusion lists all the main points, making a little closing statement.

5. Fill your article with valuable information - If you need, feel free to search Google or Ezinearticles for more ideas, filling your article with working concepts and practical advice. Express them in your own way, and as simple as you can.

6. Think as if you were writing to your friend - Explain your ideas as if you were talking to your friend. Imagine him or her listening to you. It is a simple yet powerful technique on writing an engaging article on any topic. Your text becomes more alive and easy to follow.

7. Don't give all the information - Offer a limited amount of solutions and ideas. Why? Because the goal of online articles is to give some information, which makes the reader want to search for more. If you offer all the solutions, then there is no more reason to check out the products or services that you are promoting.

7 tips on writing an engaging article on any topic are selecting the right article writing format, writing an alive introduction, using simple words and shorter sentences, keeping your structure in 3 main parts, filling your article with valuable information, thinking as if you were writing to your friend, and giving a limited amount of information. Beware, since these simple strategies have the power to create smashing articles, which may even bring you more success!

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How to get 3 Benefits of High-Level Article Writing Skills

As with every income producing activity, the better you get, the more you also get back. You start getting better and better results, while putting in the same amount of time and effort. Having good skills rewards its owners with multiple advantages. Here are the three main benefits of having high-level article writing skills.

1. Getting most out of your time - By perfecting your writing skills, you start getting most out of your time. It means using the techniques, which produce the most results. The less productive tasks are replaced with the more effective ones. This way, each hour that you spend on writing your articles, generates you more and more income. The higher your skills, the more money you get out of your time.

2. Maximised productivity - One important benefit of high-level article writing skills is that you are naturally able to create more articles in less time. You can write more articles with the same effort involved. As you develop your skills, many of the article writing tasks become automatic - you simply don't have to think about certain things anymore. You do them without having to concentrate so much as before. It is like driving a car - once you get good at it, most of the actions become automatic, letting you focus mainly on the road and traffic conditions. You don't have to think about changing the gears and pushing the pedals - your perfected skills are taking care of such tasks.

3. Maximised online income opportunities - The better you get at creating articles, the more success you create for yourself. You can improve the visibility of your online business easily, just by using your skills. The main benefit of high-level article writing skills is that producing content, which generates traffic, becomes suddenly easy for you. And, who knows, maybe even enjoyable! Think about that! An enjoyable task. Moreover, mastering a skill, which generates traffic, is one of the most valuable crafts, when it comes to making money online. So, if you want to increase your income opportunities online, try adopting a technique, which will help to improve your article writing skills.

The three main benefits of high-level writing skills are, getting most out of your time, maximised productivity, and maximised online income opportunities. The more you write, the more assisting techniques you adopt, the easier it becomes for you to earn a decent income online. And the good knews is, your article writing skills can only get better! Just keep writing and publishing your content.

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