Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Make Your Articles Reader-Friendly: Easy Guides

As an article marketer, it's crucial that you always put your readers on top of your priority list. Remember, the goal here is to get these people to open and read your articles and later on, click the links you've included in your resource box. Here's how you can make you articles enticing and worth your readers' while:

Write those topics that they really love. Figure out those topics that are extremely interesting to the eyes of these people. Aside from doing keyword research, you can also run polls on your blog or website to get their pulse. Are they looking forward to getting how-to or tips list type of articles? Are they hoping you can spill out a slice of your expertise? Are they dying to read information about the latest issues in your niche? Well, whatever it is they want, just give it to them. It's the best thing you can do to ensure that they'll pay attention to what you've written.

Make it informative. People read online articles because they want to be informed or empowered to do things on their own. So, ensure that your articles contain the type of information that they want. Instead of loading your copies with fillers or worst, blatant ads and too many keywords, share with them the things that you know that they'll find useful. Doing this will not only help you keep them interested but will also help you establish your expertise in your niche. This is crucial when convincing online users to do business with you.

Keep it simple and short. More and more people are choosing online articles over regular books and reading materials these days. One reason for this is because online articles are usually much less complicated. So, don't try to make yours too difficult to understand. Your readers will appreciate it if you share with them the information you know in a very simple language. Write tight and make it concise. Also, keep it short. You should be able to discuss your chosen topic using 500-1,000 words.

Do not over-optimize. Yes, placing keywords on your articles is one key to succeed in article marketing but you need to make sure that you don't overdo it as this will affect the quality and readability of your articles. I suggest that you use your keywords just once or twice for every 100 words and ensure that they are evenly distributed.

Make it easy to skim through. Make your articles easy on the eyes and easy to read by breaking them into several short paragraphs or by using number or bullet list. Don't forget to use subheadings when and as needed. These will help your readers easily find the exact information that they're looking for and just skip those ones that they might not really need.

Proofread. Take time to check your articles before you publish them online. Ensure that they're informative, well-written, and worth your readers' time. You also have the option of hiring a professional editor to do the job if you're not up to it.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

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