Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Write More Articles Without Being an Expert Already

Have you ever wondered how some people have managed to write thousands of articles on the internet, which then drive massive traffic back to their sites. How did they do that? And how could you do the same, even if you think you don't have enough ideas for so many articles?

The method, which helps to write more articles, is to write articles in groups.

It starts with picking a topic in your niche. It should be a clear discussion point. For example, let's say that your niche is travelling. You then choose that your topic is going to be about cheap flights on the internet. Now, write as many similar articles on that one topic as you can. Change the headlines a bit, offer a bit different solutions in every article, use different words and sentences to explain the ideas. But the key topic throughout the articles stays the same.

You may ask: "Is that not a plagiarism? Will my content have any value if I write about the same topic and similar solutions all the time?"

No, it is not a plagiarism, as long as you write every article yourself, and don't copy paste it directly. Realise that any topic can be looked at from several different perspectives. Notice how many subtopics there are about cheap flights on the internet. How to find them? What to know about them? What are the secret tips to finding the cheapest ones? The list goes on. But they all have a lot in common.

Besides, the way that you express each idea is unique to you. You could ask thousand writers to explain the same concept and they would all do it slightly differently. Different readers understand different writers better and need the same ideas expressed in alternate ways. Your content has value.

Write more articles, even if other people have already created content about that same topic. Use their concepts as a learning material. Rewrite the same ideas in your own way. As long as you have no thoughts of your own, feel free to use other articles a source for ideas. Having no ideas of your own is not a reason to limit your article production.

If you write more articles on the same topic, you also gain a stronger expertise. You work through many concepts more than once.

Writing articles in groups is like playing with legos. You use the same construction elements - ideas - to build different things - articles. And you don't use all the ideas in every article. You select a limited amount of construction elements every time, to create different results and various combinations.

In order to write more articles, write them in groups. This enables you to create more content without having to be an expert already. But once you put this powerful method into practice, you most probably will become one. Creating massive amounts of articles this way is a great opportunity to educate yourself while you gain expertise.

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