Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Crafting Your Article Titles

Article marketing is the act of writing value-filled articles and submitting them to article directories in exchange for receiving traffic back to a website. Article marketing is a powerful traffic generation strategy as it produces some of the most highly qualified traffic out there. The trick with article marketing is that you can't just write a few articles and then sit back and wait for the traffic to come pouring in. It won't. You have to write tons and tons of articles. So in this article, I'm going to give you ideas and tips of how to craft article titles so you can produce the thousands of articles you need to succeed with this strategy.

There are really 2 approaches to article titles. One way is by keyword optimization and the other is by using 'eye grabbing' titles. Let's take a look at both approaches.

The basic idea of keyword optimization titles is to use the main keyword in the title as early as possible. For instance, take a look at the title of this article. What's the first two words I used? What keywords do you think I'm targeting in this article? That's a pretty simple example, but honestly that's how easy you can make the article titles with keyword optimization in mind. Sometimes keeping the title short and simple with the keywords at the beginning is all you need to rank high with the search engines.

The other method is using eye grabbing article titles. Plain and simple, you want to craft your article title to catch the attention of the reader. There are a lot of different ways to approach this method, so let me give you a few examples now.

One way is to use numbers in your titles along with specific keywords like 'steps' or 'ways', or anything else that makes sense. For instance, an article title might be something like this... '5 Steps To Writing The Perfect Article' or '7 Ways To Teach Your Dog To Walk By Your Side'. Anything like that works great because people love it when you give them a distinct number that teaches them to do something.

Another great article title is to use the 'how to' title, which teaches people how to do something. This approach works amazingly well because people are usually reading articles to learn something or get more information about something. If someone wants to learn how to speed read and you write an article titled 'How To Learn Speed Reading In 10 Minutes Flat', you have a good chance of that person reading your article. Plus, the search engines like these types of articles too.

One final tip for crafting article titles is to use negative words or play on negative things. Let's be honest here... people gravitate towards negative things. That's why the news is filled with tragedies and horror stories instead of good news. So when your title has some negative things in them, people will read the articles. Examples could be things like 'disadvantages', 'scam', or other stuff like that.

With what I just taught you about article titles, you should be able to come up with an unlimited amount of article titles for you to use in your article marketing efforts.

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