Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Should a Good Article Contain?- Best article writing tips

Creating valuable content is a basic skill, that helps you to earn income online. It is not so difficult to write successful articles, once you keep some simple points in mind. Your articles just need to contain some specific features. Good article offers enough value to your readers, delivering high traffic back to your site. Here are three essential features that a good article should contain.

1. Educating information - No matter if you have only 400 - 500 words of space, and you can only cover a few valuable points. Fill your article with something educating. Because the readers, who stumble upon your writings, are mostly looking for knowledge. They are mainly people who are searching the internet for information. If you offer something educating and useful, then they have found something that they have been looking for. And by offering them something what they have been looking for, you make them also feel grateful. You gain more credibility. The readers take your advice more seriously and they are more likely to check out your links and other offers. This results in higher traffic.

2. Targeted information - A good article is written for a certain group of people. For people, who have one specific problem. Keeping articles targeted means that you are solving specific problems and helping specific people with a specific problem. So, besides offering education, make sure that you offer information, which is in demand. Write about a subject that people are searching for. If you don't know what kind of problems need solutions in your niche, do some research. Read forums or do keyword research.

3. Simple words, simple phrases, short sentences - Writing for internet means that you are writing for the whole world. Your readers come from different countries and therefore they all have different reading capabilities. The more simple words and phrases you use, the greater your audience is. Good article offers specific information, using simple words and phrases. Moreover, prefer using shorter sentences. This gives more room for each thought, making your articles more easy to read.

A good article should contain educating information. It is written for someone specific, offering solutions that this person is looking for. Also, use simple words, simple phrases and shorter sentences, to make your text more clear and easy to read. Applying these three techniques gives your articles more value, since you use some basic techniques, which cheer your readers and deliver you more traffic.

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