One of the best content marketing and traffic generation methods you can do in your information marketing business is to do article marketing. The quality of traffic is extremely high, the standards for getting articles accepted are high, and the rapport building with people starts with articles before they even opt-in to your database list.
However, you're not going to get a lot of results by just writing one article and stopping. You have to continuously produce articles because the more content you have, the more traffic you'll get. That leads to another challenge... constantly coming up with ideas for your content. Well, in this article, I'm going to give you one great idea for coming up with content for your articles.
Where do most people go to get questions answered? If you said a search engine like Google, you'd better mostly right. As great as Google is, or any search engine for that matter, people don't always find the answers they are looking for. So what's the next place people turn to get answers to their questions?
People search for forums in their niche, they go there and they search the forum postings to see if their question was already asked and/or answered. If they can't find the question, they will post the question for the other forum members to answer. I know this happens because I've done this a bunch of times myself.
Why is this important to you?
Because more times than not, people will still go to a search engine first to find an answer to their question. Hopefully a light bulb is going off in your head now, but if it's not, let me tell you why you should be excited about this.
The strategy here is to go to forums in your niche and write down whatever questions you find that people ask. Seriously, write them all down. The next step is to answer these questions as articles and submit them to your favorite article directory.
Article directories get more search engine presence and love when it comes to search engine rankings. So if someone has the same question that you wrote an article about, you have a better chance of coming up in the search results before the person goes to a forum to find the answer. This means that you'll get more traffic and you'll do more things that most other marketers aren't doing.
Furthermore, you can take it a step further by answering the questions in the forum by providing a reference or link back to your article, depending on the rules of the forum and what they allow to be posted in their comments. You never want to spam in forums or else you'll be kicked off very quickly. If you can legitimately answer their questions, you'll be perceived as an expert in the forum and in your niche.
Hopefully now you understand how powerful this strategy is in giving you tons of ideas for content for your articles.
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